Summerlea United Church
225 50th Ave, Lachine, Québec, H8T2T7, Canada. 514-634-2651

(Last updated 22-12-2024)

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Sunday, December 22, 2024

Love & The Longest Night

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the Sunday bulletin.

- Introit -

Came He Not in Fire
(VU 15)

Came He Not in Fire,
Onward came the Lord.
Not in wind or rain,
Onward came the Lord.
Hail nor sleet or snow,
Onward came the Lord.
In a small voice came he,
Onward came the Lord.

We Light The Fourth Candle

God of Love
We light this fourth candle for advent
And see in the flame the unfailing love of Jesus Christ,
Reaching into the loveless places of this world.
Encourage us, your people, as we share with all
The Love you have for us
And love for all Creation.
In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

(Prayer by Rev. Beryl, 2007 )

A Candle is Burning
(VU 6)

A candle is burning,
A flame warm and bright,
A candle of hope
In December's dark night.
While angels sing blessings
From heaven's starry sky,
Our hearts we prepare now
For Jesus is nigh.

A candle is burning,
A candle of peace,
A candle to signal
That conflict must cease:
For Jesus is coming
To show us the way ;
A message of peace
Humbly laid in the hay.

A candle is burning,
A candle of joy,
A candle to welcome
Brave Mary's new boy.
Our hearts fill with wonder,
And eyes light and glow
As joy brightens winter
Like sunshine on snow.

A candle is burning,
A candle of love,
A candle to point us
To heaven above.
A baby for Christmas,
A wonderful birth,
For Jesus is bringing
God's love to our earth.

Blue Christmas - By Reverend Beryl

O God of all seasons and all senses, grant us the sense of your gentle presence and help us submit gracefully and rejoice quietly in the turn of the seasons.

In this season of short days and long nights,
of grey and white and cold,

teach us the lessons of endings,
Children growing, friends leaving,
loves ones dying, grieving over,
grudges over, blaming over, excuses over.
O God, grant us a sense of your timing

In this season of short days and long nights, of grey and white and cold,

teach us the lessons of beginnings.
That such waiting and endings may be the starting place,
a planting of seeds which bring to birth that
which is ready to be born,
something right and just and different,
a new song, a deeper relationship, a fuller love -
in the fullness of your time.
O God, grant us a sense of your timing.

Mary, Did You Know?

Soloist: Elin T.

- Scripture -

Scripture this week
is read by...

John O.

Luke 1:39-45

Mary visits Elizabeth

Read the TEXT

Rev. Christine's

- The Anthem -

Silent was the night in Bethlehem,
Peacefully the stars shone above,
Softly the breeze swayed the olive trees,
Silent was the night
When God sent down his love...

(By Lani Smith)


Offering Prayer

We ask that You bless these offerings,
whether given in love, in service, or in resources.
May they be used to bring light to those in need,
to share Your grace with the world,
and to expand Your Kingdom here on earth.
Let these gifts reflect the love and generosity You
have shown us,
and may they serve to bring hope, peace, joy and
love to all.
We pray that You bless every hand that gives and
every heart that receives.
May the spirit of Christmas - peace, goodwill, and
love - dwell in us all, guiding our actions and our
lives in the days ahead.
Through Christ we pray, Amen.

(VU55, verse 4)

What can I give him,
Poor as I am?
If I were a shepherd,
I would bring a lamb;
If I were a wise man,
I would do my part;
Yet what I can I give him?
Give my heart.

Art by Alex

Art by Eva

Angels We Have Heard on High
(VU 38)

Angels we have heard on high
Sweetly singing on the plain
And the mountains in reply
Echoing their joyous strain:

R: Gloria in excelsius deo
Gloria in excelsius deo.

Shepherds why this jubilee?
Why your joyful strains prolong?
And the gladsome tidings be
Which inspire your heav'nly song?

Come to Bethlehem and see
Him whose birth the angels sing;
Come adore on bended knee
Christ, the Lord, the newborn King.

See Him in a manger laid
Whom the choir of angels praise;
Holy Spirit lend thine aid
While our hearts in love we raise.


Go out now brothers and sisters in Christ!
We are almost at the moment of celebration.
We have waited and hoped,
soon is the Holy Night.

Go out in the city and tell about Christ.
By our actions and our words,
we testify of a loving God.

May it be so!

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