Summerlea United Church
225 50th Ave, Lachine, Québec, H8T2T7, Canada. 514-634-2651

(Last updated 26-1-2025)

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Sunday, January 26, 2025

'Click' to read this Sunday's bulletin

- Introit -

Will you come and see the light
From the stable door?
It is shining newly bright,
Though it shone before.
It will be your guiding star,
It will show you who you are.
Will you hide, or decide
To meet the light?

Will you step into the light
That can free the slave?
It will stand for what is right,
It will heal and save.
By the pyramids of greed
There's a longing to be freed.
Will you hide, or decide
To meet the light?

Call to Worship

Comfort us Eternal God of Love and Light!
We come, seeking courage and hope.
Give us so much courage and hope that we can
share them with all!
Gather us, then send us abroad in your name.
Yes, gather us in prayer, shelter us under your loving wings
Let us pray together and praise you with all our heart.
May it be so, dear God of heaven.

In the Quiet Curve of Evening
(VU 278)

In the quiet curve of
Evening, in the sinking of the days,
In the silky void of
Darkness, you are there.
In the lapses of my breathing,
In the space between my ways,
In the crater carved by sadness,
You are there
You are there, you are there,
You are there.

In the rests between the phrases,
In the cracks between the stars,
In the gaps between the meaning,
Tou are there. In the melting down of
Endings, in the cooling of the sun,
In the solstice of the
Winter, you are there.
You are there, you are there,
You are there.

In the mystery of my hungers,
In the silence of my rooms,
In the cloud of my unknowing,
You are there.
In the empty cave of grieving,
In the desert of my dreams,
In the tunnel of my sorrow,
You are there.
You are there, you are there,
You are there.

Prayer of Confession
(based on Psalm 19)

Blessed God, Creator of all the universe,
Your beauty is everywhere, but sometimes we forget to look.
All of Creation sings your songs, but we forget to listen.
We take for granted each sunrise and each sunset and as we focus on our own lives,
we stop looking up to see just how far your light can reach.
Open our eyes, open our ears, open our hearts, O God.
Help us to remember that we are not all there is.
Remind us that we are not alone. Amen.

And after confession we hear

Words of Assurance.

Some time with KIDS

Breath on Me, Breath of God
(VU 382)

Breathe on me, Breath of God,
Fill me with life anew,
That I may love what Thou dost love,
And do what Thou wouldst do

Breathe on me, Breath of God,
Until my heart is pure,
Until my will is one with thine.
To do and to endure.

Breathe on me, Breath of God,
Till I am wholly Thine,
Until this earthly part of me
Glows with Thy fire divine.

Breathe on me, Breath of God,
So shall I never die,
But live with Thee the perfect life
Of Thine eternity.

- Scripture -

Nehemiah 8:1-3 & 5-12

(Water gate)

Follow the written text HERE

Reading this week is...

John O.

Psalm 19 (VU 771)

R: The precepts of our God
give joy to the heart

The Voices United text is HERE.

Luke 4:14-21

Jesus reads from Isaiah

Follow the text HERE.

Rev. Christine's

- The Anthem -

(Joseph M. Martin)

Arise, ye sleepers, awake from the night.
Come and see the saviours everlasting light.
The child who in a manger lay
Has wakened the dawn to a glorious day!
Hodie Christus natus est.
(Christ is born to us today)
Hodie Christus natus est.

Arise, ye sleepers, awake from your rest.
Come and see the child who evermore will bless.
Through him the battle of sin will be won.
Awake from the darkness,
Your light has come!
Hodie Christus natus est.
Hodie Christus natus est…

- The Offering -

- Offertory -

Called by Earth and Sky
(MV 135)

Called by earth and sky,
Promise of hope held high.
This is our sacred living trust,
Treasure of life sanctified,
Called by earth and sky.

Precious the fire that lights our way,
Bright dawning day.
Fire of passion, sorrows undone,
Our faith and justice one.

We Gather Here to Bid Farewell
(VU 558)

We gather here to bid farewell
To friends who leave for other parts;
Our prayers we pledge, our love we tell,
And lift to God our grateful hearts.

We bless the hand that brought you here
And richly blessed us all in you:
As now you leave for wider sphere
God's covenant mercies we review.

In friendship's bonds our souls unite
In prayer and praise and holy vow:
To God's great heart of love and light
Your friends in Christ commit you now.

God guide you, keep you, lead you on
From hope to hope, from strength to strength,
Until, in God's all-glorious dawn,
We meet before the throne at length.

My friends, it is our vocation to go out in the world and
love the world.
Each day brings a new beginning,
not a single moment of love is lost.

May we go, all of us, happy and convinced of diving love
dwelling in us!
We take the road, we are happy and strong in God's

May it be so.

- Postlude -

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