Sound files are all underlined and in Bold Type and can be played while reading by "Right Clicking" on them and choosing "Open in New Tab." All the pictures taken in the sanctuary may be enlarged by "Clicking" on them. There will be variations on this depending on the Web Browser you are using to view the Summerlea Website. |
I had a Senior's Moment I had everyting all set to go for the start of the service accept for just one thing. Hence I will simply post some pictures from the service |
Teach Me, God, to Wonder (VU 299, verse 1)
Teach me, God, to wonder;
Praise to you be given; |
Call to Worship
For all the saints |
For all the saints who live beyond us who challenge us to change us to change the world with them, we praise you, O God. |
God Give Us Life (VU 704)
God give us life when all around
God give us love in heart and hand |
God give us skill, insight and will to find, Where none are sure, New threads to mend the web of life, New means to heal and cure. |
God give us faith should all else fail And death unsheath its sting. O help us hear, through pain and fear, The songs that angels sing.
Then, in the end, make death a friend, |
All Things Bright and Beautiful (VU 291, verse 5)
R: All things bright and beautiful, |
God gave us eyes to see them, And lips that we might tell How great is God our maker, Who has made all things well. R. |
After a brief message, the Rev. Christine introduced John C. to talk to us of Stewardship and its relationship to Leadership, with a focus on the history of Summerlea, St. Andrew's United and St. Andrew's Presbyterian in Lachine. Again, sadly, not recorded. |
When Hands Reach Out Beyond Divides (MV 169) When hands reach out beyond divides |
- Offering -
Prayer Over the Offering
God of all peoples and God of all places, |
- Offertory Hymn - Behold, Behold, I Make All Things New
Behold, behold, I make all things new, |
Amazing Grace Amazing grace, |
'Twas grace that taught My heart to fear, And grace my fears relieved; How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed! |
Through many dangers, Toils and snares I have already come, 'Tis grace has brought me safe thus far And grace will lead me home. |
The Lord has promised Good to me This word my hope secures; God will my shield and portion be, As long as life endures. |
When we've been there Ten thousand years Bright shining as the sun, We've no less days to sing God's praise Than when we've first begun. |
Go my Friends, go out and work |