Église Unie Summerlea United Church
225 50 Av, Lachine, Québec, H8T2T7, Canada. 514-634-2651
Bienvenue! / Welcome!

The Summerlea Staff

Music Director
Administrator and Office Hours
(Note: the email addresses below have been writtin as text to minimize spam mailings.)

The Reverend Dr. Marie Christine Gladu
Email: summerlea_minister@videotron.ca

Born in LaSalle, Christine-Marie has worked in the province of Quebec and in the Maritimes, completing her theology studies in Montreal and California and she is ready for something new here at Summerlea! Christine loves children and folks of all ages and to be involved in projects that promote dignity. She loves home visiting and defines herself as a traditional minister with a process-theology twist!

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Music Director
Lucia Williams

Email: summerlea_music@videotrom.ca


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Colleen Administrator
Colleen Kilkenny, Church Office: 514-634-2651
Email: summerlea_united@hotmail.com
Office hours: Monday through Friday 7:00am-12:00pm

Colleen brought her pleasant demeanour and administrative skills to the Summerlea office in 2018 and is often
assisted in this regard by her boxer rotweiller Betty. Colleen is an active, involved and enthusiastic participant in the congregational life of Summerlea doing her part to help keep us active and thriving.

Before Summerlea she had her own business teaching fitness and yoga.
Colleen is married to Michael and proud mother to six children and two grandchildren.

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George Custodian
George Provias, Church Office: 514-634-2651

George has taken charge of the church property since 1987. We all know and appreciate his cheerful willingness to take on whatever job comes along in addition to his regular custodial duties. We also enjoy his enthusiastic participation in congregational life.

George is married to Barbara and they have two daughters, Nicole and Maria.
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Last updated 16-9-2023