Summerlea United Church
225 50 Av, Lachine, Québec, H8T2T7, Canada. 514-634-2651

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One hundred mile lunch 2008
Posted Oct 21, 2008

October 19, 2008 was World Food Sunday and the Week to End Poverty. Summerlea's Outreach Committee organized the Sunday service to include readings by the committee members and a sermon by Isaac Mundy, leader of the Green Church Project

The reading for the day was the story of the mustard seed and its growth. Isaac presented an intriquing look at mustard greens as a vegetarian food, and some insights into mustard and its relation to the spread of our acts.

As part of Summerlea's concern about our ecological footprint, the Outreach committee also organized a "One hundred mile lunch", in which all the ingredients came from sources within one hundred miles from Summerlea. The main course consisted of pumpkin soup, bread from La Moisson, local cheddar cheese, home grown lettuce and tomatoes, etc.
Dessert was pot luck, and included everything from Quebec apples to blueberry tarts.

All in all, it demonstrated that we can eat quite satisfactorily without having to purchase food that has travelled thousands of kilometers, consuming many litres of precious fuel and producing much greenhouse gas, to reach our local store.

Below are some photos of the proceedings.

Isaac Mundy and his charming wife (of just a few months) Rebecca.
Rebecca's story of eating mustard greens in Panama
served as the seed of Isaac's sermon.
One Hundred Mile Lunch 2008

And some shotgun style shots of folks enjoying the hundred mile lunch.
One Hundred Mile Lunch 2008 One Hundred Mile Lunch 2008 One Hundred Mile Lunch 2008
One Hundred Mile Lunch 2008 One Hundred Mile Lunch 2008 One Hundred Mile Lunch 2008
One Hundred Mile Lunch 2008 One Hundred Mile Lunch 2008 One Hundred Mile Lunch 2008
One Hundred Mile Lunch 2008
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