Église unie Summerlea United Church
225 50 Av, Lachine, Québec, H8T2T7, Canada. 514-634-2651
Bienvenue! / Welcome!

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Summerlea United - 50 Years Here
St. Andrew's Presbyterian - 1 Year Here

| Saturday Dinner | Saturday Entertainment | Sunday Service |
Feb. 19, 2003 - Letter from Mary Walker added

Summerlea United Church, Lachine, Quebec
Drawn by Hazel M. Taylor

Saturday and Sunday, November 2 & 3, 2002 the Summerlea United and St. Andrew's Presbyterian congregations celebrated milestones in their occupation of the church building at 225 50th Avenue in Lachine.

For the Summerlea United folks the weekend marked 50 years in the building, which was dedicated in October 1952.

For the St. Andrew's Presbyterian folks the weekend marked one year in this building, having left their former Shebrooke Street location in Lachine in the fall of 2001.

The celebrations included a dinner and entertainment on Saturday evening and an anniversary service Sunday morning.

The Originals
Known surviving members of the Summerlea congregation when the church was dedicated in 1952 include:
Esther Anderson
Nancy & Huntly Bourne
Virginia & Harry Carlisle
Kay Charlton (not at the dinner)
Helen Fleming
Ruby Freeman
Betty (Greig) Smith
Margaret Hendery (not at the dinner)
Audrey Kent
Mary Walker

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Here we'll publish letters received regarding the 50th annniversary, in the language of origin. You can type to us by email at wblynn@sympatico.ca

Mary Walker, Jan 19, 2003
(Posted Feb. 19, 2003)

Dear Tom & Lois & all Summerlea Folk,

I am sorry it has taken me so long to say "Thank you" for the lovely evening of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of "Summerlea Church".

I had a wonderful time seeing people I hadn't seen in many years.

I also thank you for the lovely rose & beautiful pen I received. I am using it now.

With all the excitement of getting ready to leave for Florida shortly after the celebration I forgot my manners.

I also want to say "Thank you" to "St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church" for the delicious meal they prepared.

I am writing this note from Largo, Florida and it is very cold here but I guess it isn't as cold as it is in Montreal & Ottawa my home.

I also want to tell you the entertainment was "Super", there is a lot of talent still in the Lachine area.

Thank you all again & God Bless Summerlea & St. Andrew's.

Mary Ann Walker,
Ottawa & Florida

Lewis Greig, 2002/09/29

I thought I should write and say Happy Birthday to Summerlea. 1952 was a marker year for me as well as not only was Summerlea the new church in the community but I was the new kid on the block. July 1, 1952 I arrived, and Summerlea has been part of my life ever since.

I am now living in Denver Colorado, the "Mile High City" but despite the miles between here and Lachine, it is always nice to hear of the activities back home. I can attest that the welcome mat is always out at Summerlea as whenever I am home its always a pleasure to attend church and speak with all who are there. It's part of coming home.

Summerlea has been a large part of my life and I treasure the memories wherever I go.

Congratulations to all at Summerlea, Many Happy Returns.

Lewis Greig
Aurora Colorado

Ruth & Bud Mann - November 10, 2002

To the folks at Summerlea:

We wanted to take a moment to say what a wonderful experience it was to attend your 50th anniversary festivities at Summerlea. The food was great and the entertainment was second to none. However, it was hard to beat the pleasure of seeing friends once again who were very much a part of the Church when we attended 25 years ago. The church is going through some changes now but we know that the people of Summerlea can cope with change and the Church will remain a strong one within the community. Finally, thanks to the Lynn’s for being great hosts.

All the best

Ruth & Bud Mann
Markham, ON

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