Summerlea United Church
225 50th Ave, Lachine, Québec, H8T2T7, Canada. 514-634-2651

(Last updated 22-2-2024)

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The fees for weddings are due when the Public Notice is returned to the Church
Office (at least 3 weeks prior to the wedding date).
One cheque for the total sum of $1,050.00 should be made payable to Summerlea United Church.

Covered by the fee are the services of the minister, organist, caretaker, secretary and sanctuary rental and one wedding rehearsal.
There is an extra $50.00 charge per additional rehearsal, such as with a soloist.
Rental of the church hall for a reception is $150 for 3 hours and$50 for each additional hour. Liquor is NOT permitted.

Please be reminded that no one will be denied access to a marriage ceremony
on the basis of finance. Consideration is given to people with limited budgets.
If this is a factor for you, please discuss this with the minister.

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