Église unie Summerlea United Church
225 50 Av, Lachine, Québec, H8T2T7, Canada. 514-634-2651
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Summerlea United - 50 Years Here
St. Andrew's Presbyterian - 1 Year Here
Saturday Dinner

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Nov. 10, 2002 - Some photos added at the bottom of the page

The Saturday cocktail / dinner was prepared by the St. Andrew's congregation under the direction of Nancy Mark, with help from the Summerlea congregation in the preparation of desserts.
Plaudits all around for Nancy and her helpers, who included Scouts, Venturers and Lakeside Academy students.

The Originals
Known surviving members of the Summerlea congregation when the church was dedicated in 1952 are listed below.
Esther Anderson
Nancy & Huntly Bourne
Virginia & Harry Carlisle
Kay Charlton (not at the dinner)
Helen Fleming
Ruby Freeman
Betty (Greig) Smith
Margaret Hendery (not at the dinner)
Audrey Kent
Mary Walker

A number of "Originals" were at the dinner and we caught them on film.

Esther Anderson
(She was at the dinner, but this photo is from a recent interview)

Nancy & Huntly Bourne

Harry & Virginia Carlisle

Helen Fleming

Ruby Freeman

Betty (Greig) Smith

Audrey Kent

Mary Wright
Now lives in Ottawa

Also Some Photos of Other Folks at the Dinner

Lois Pavlasek, Mary Wright, Audrey Kent

Darryl Macdonald (St. Andrew's Pastor and Cinderella's Prince)
Paula MacDonald (Wife of Rev George MacDonald)
Chris Maragoudakis (Rapunzel's Prince)

Roy Rodd, Barbara Davidson (St. Andrew's), Rev. George MacDonald

Trish Higgins, Susan Ippersiel (Summerlea's Sunshine Secretary)

Barb & Brad Moffat

Ruth & Bud Mann
Lachine / Summerlea Folks in the 60's and again in the 70's
Now (since 25 years) Markham, Ontario

Full House!

And Some of Those Who Made it All Happen!

Sinclair Harris, Annabel McLauchlan and Friends,
Nancy Mark Instructing

Ray Laviolette Cutting the Ham

Many Thanks to the
Servers and Helpers

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