Église unie Summerlea United Church
225 50 Av, Lachine, Québec, H8T2T7, Canada. 514-634-2651
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Summerlea United - 50 Years Here
St. Andrew's Presbyterian - 1 Year Here
Sunday Anniversary Service

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Nov. 10, 2002 - Some photos added near the start of the photos.

The Sunday Anniversary Service included both the Summerlea United and the St. Andrew's Presbyterian congregations and was conducted jointly by Rev. George MacDonald, Summerlea's Sunday Supply Minister, and Darryl Macdonald, St. Andrew's Pastor.

The service emphasized the dual celebration, 50 years for Summerlea United and one year for St. Andrew's Presbyterian, in this church building.

The service included a rededication (below) in which the Summerlea and St. Andrew's congregations acknowledged their mutual commitment to ministry and mission in the community. Following the rededication George and Darryl asperged the congregations using water poured into the font from seven carafes by young people in attendance.

Rev George MacDonald's sermon extolled the spirit of unity evidenced by the joint ventures of the two congregations.

The choirs of the two congregations and the Summerlea intermediate choir joined forces to lead the service in marvellous music. The combination of Connie Osborne at the organ and Lucia Williams on piano provided a delightful sound experience, with piping input from John Osborne.

    O God of all creation we give thanks
    for the calling to be your church.
    We offer you praise and thanksgiving on this festive day.
    We give you thanks for those who responded to your call
    to establish Summerlea and St. Andrew's.

    Summerlea to St. Andrew's
    Your journey has brought inspiration through the preached word,
    the singing of hymns, the sharing of life-sustaining sacraments.
    It is our prayer that God will sanctify your church life and work.
    May you preserve the best in your past
    and continue to follow
    your unfolding and evolving ministry and mission.

    St. Andrew's to Summerlea
    We give thanks for all that your church has meant to its members,
    to those you have touched.
    We recall the special services of baptism, marriage and death.
    You have been a living sacrifice
    …holy and acceptable in the sight of God.
    We acknowledge our gratitude for your works
    and pray your ministry and mission
    will continue to weave its way
    through the fabric of the community.

    Introit sung by joint Choir

    Gathered Youth
    Jesus said; let the children come to me
    and then he took us in his arms and blessed us
    laying his hands upon us.
    We are happy to celebrate.
    We love to smile, laugh and be heard.
    We thank you God for such a wonderful church.

    Elder of Summerlea and Elder of St. Andrew's
    Today is a special day in the lives of our congregations.
    On behalf of Summerlea United and St. Andrew's Presbyterian
    we ask you Darryl and George
    to rededicate this building and its people
    to the mission and ministry of God.

    Darryl and George will asperge the gathered congregation as a symbol of our rededication.

    Look upon us this day with mercy.
    Bless this act of rededication.
    May these local churches
    long continue to be a sign of the Spirit
    and a witness of Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray.

Below are some photos from the service and the reception following.

The Combined Choirs
1. Sarah Cassidy, Michelle McKenzie, Meghan Overbury, Shauna Overbury, John Osborne
2. Louise Emanuel, ?, Barb Moffat, Dawn Boyes, Mary Guynan
3. Janet Smart, Undeg Edwards, ?, Leslie Field
4. Chris Maragoudakis, Terry Jones (hidden), Darryl Macdonald

Rev. George MacDonald and
The Youngsters

Rev. George MacDonald and
The Youngsters

The young folk poured the water into the font.

Rev's George MacDonald & Darryl Macdonald
receiving help.

Rev George MacDonald asperging the congregations.

One of three cakes at the reception after the service
(Cakes provided by Kathy Worsnip)

50 Years for Summerlea.

And the dates.

Cutting the cakes.
Nancy Mark, Linda Rodrigues, Barbara Davidson

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